Skilled and Trained Workforce Mandates Webinar
Start Date/Time: Thursday, June 7, 2018 10:30 AM
End Date/Time: Thursday, June 7, 2018 11:30 AM
Recurring Event: One time event
Importance: Normal Priority
Location: Webinar (online)

Do the sheer volume of Skilled and Trained Workforce mandates and exceptions make you feel as though you're all bound up in red tape?


While we can't eliminate bureaucratic madness, what we can do is help you navigate it by providing you with up-to-date information on current Skilled and Trained Workforce mandates. This webinar will cover new caps on graduation percentages for crafts, new interpretations of compliance, and new penalties for noncompliance.


Join Richard Markuson of WECA Government Affairs as he takes you through what he calls "the rabbit hole" of California's ever evolving Skilled and Trained Workforce mandates for public works construction.


Associate Director of Apprenticeship Wendy Flanagan will also be on the webinar to describe WECA's 'Accelerated Apprenticeship' solution for WECA Member Contractors dealing with Skilled and Trained Workforce mandates.


Free for WECA members and their employees! (All others $50/registration.)



Owned by Georgia Henry On Wednesday, May 16, 2018