Western Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.

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Register Today for Free Apr. 14 ThinkHR Webinar "COVID-19 Regulatory Updates and FAQ"

Thursday, April 9, 2020

It can be hard to keep up with the rapidly-changing COVID-19 emergency, but ThinkHR (access to which is included as a WECA member benefit--log in to our website to sign up for access if you haven't already) helps make staying updated easier with guidance and resources like their upcoming free Apr. 14 Webinar "COVID-19 Regulatory Updates and FAQ":

ThinkHR and Mammoth will continue to offer updated COVID-19 webinars with the most current guidance and FAQs available to our users.

Join us on April 14th at 12:00 p.m. PT for our latest COVID-19 Regulatory Update and FAQ webinar.

Please note that we've made changes to our webinar programming to ensure all registrants will be able to attend the live event.

Register today

Additional COVID-19 Resources:

Download: COVID-19 Employer Survey 
Webpage: COVID-19 Crisis Center 

Can't make the webinar? Register and we'll send you a recording.