Thursday, June 13, 2024
Utilize the U.S. Department of Labor's Interactive, Web-Based, Self-Directed Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) Trainings for Your Employees
WECA currently provides anti-harassment training to every WECA apprentice as part of their apprenticeship. However, it is also required for you, the employer, to ensure that all parties working with apprentices have participated in anti-harassment training.
Per Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) regulations, 29 CFR 30.3(b)(4), this training must be provided to all individuals including: apprentices, apprentice supervisors, forepersons, journey workers, instructors, and other employees regularly working alongside apprentices, including management and administrative personnel.
If you have not already educated your workers in anti-harassment training, we strongly encourage you, our members, to utilize and make available to all employees the U.S. Department of Labor's interactive, web-based, self-directed EEO training.
It's easy -- just have your employees read and utilize the resources linked below:
Promoting an Anti-Harassment Environment
Unlawful Harassment in Apprenticeship
WECA's EEO Pledge
Prevent Harassment |
These resources are always available to you on WECA's website under "Member Forms and Resources" in the "Approved to Train" section, and on your member dashboard after login.