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Live Online 2 Day Exam Preparation Course - General or Residential (16 hour course)(2020 NEC Edition) Class Information
Document ID: 4A30
To succeed in this course, you must have a working knowledge of the National Electric Codebook (NEC) as well as the capability to successfully calculate Ohm's law, series, and parallel circuits.

Live Online Two Day Exam Preparation is an online, instructor-led, fast-paced code study course focused on using the Code book in preparation for the State Certification exam. It is meant to be a refresher course for individuals otherwise ready to take the General or Residential Certification Exam. Much of the class is dedicated to sample testing similar to state exams. It focuses on practical research by the students to find the answers to code questions rather than instruction by lecture. If you are looking for a more extensive exam preparation course, consider Get Wired 404, consisting of 42 instructor-led hours, all online.

Recommended Prerequisite for Electrician Trainees: Substantial completion of GET WIRED! program

Other Prerequisites : 8,000+ General OJT hours and substantial knowledge of electrical theory and the National Electric Code (NEC) or 4,800+ Residential OJT hours and substantial knowledge of electrical theory and the National Electric Code (NEC). To succeed in this course, you must have a working knowledge of the National Electric Codebook (NEC) as well as the capability to successfully calculate Ohm's law, series, and parallel circuits.

Live Online Exam prep day 1 outline:
  • 2020 national electrical code basic layout
  • Commonly used tables in the national electric code
  • Ohm’s law
  • Series circuit rules
  • Parallel circuit rules
  • The reciprocation formula
  • Theory
  • NEC subject indexing
  • Conductor sizing and protection
  • Raceway, box fill and conduit fill calculations
  • Safety maintenance and repair
Live Online Exam prep day 2 outline:
  • Service sizing, clearances and terminations
  • Low voltage, communications and fire systems
  • Wiring methods, special equipment and occupancies
  • Grounding and bonding
  • Motors, HVAC and refrigeration
  • General equipment, lighting and panelboards
Students must have a 2020 NEC book available for reference during this online class.

This course will be held over two Saturdays on the Adobe Connect platform. Make sure that WECA has your current mailing address.

See the system requirements for Adobe Connect here.

  • Total class hours available: 16
  • Standard Tuition Fee: $279
  • Late Tuition Fee: $329

PLEASE REVIEW THE REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS LIST for GET WIRED! Courses to ensure you have the correct textbooks/course materials.

Minimum Points and Hours: To earn credit hours for this course, students are required to attend a minimum number of course hours and earn a minimum number of points. Zero (0) credit hours will be awarded if the minimum attendance and/or minimum points are not met. See the points and hours matrix for specific requirements for this course.

Location: Live Webcast   Dates: TBD  

Class Schedule:
 Class Session   Week Day   Date   Start Time   End Time   Class Day Type 
1 Saturday 6/14/2025 07:00AM
Live Webcast
2 Saturday 6/21/2025 07:00AM
Live Webcast

* This course includes classes that are conducted on one or more Saturdays and/or Sundays. Students will be notified of their scheduled class time within one week of the class start date for class days displayed without class times.