Western Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.

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WECA Industry Partners have the chance to connect, share their messaging, and promote their products and services to WECA's extensive base of politically-involved business owners, their employees, and electrical industry advocates across the Western United States.


WECA Industry Partners enjoy promotional benefits including:


  • Highlighted as industry partner on our website: A listing of your company name, logo and two-line message in the Industry Partners section of the WECA site

  • Your name and logo prominently displayed in WECA’s Sacramento Region Headquarters and Training Facility

  • Headline articles announcing our Industry Partnership and your offerings in our General (Member/Industry audiences ) and Training (Apprentices, Electrician Trainees, Electrical Journeymen, and Training Interest audiences) eNewsletters

  • An initial dedicated eCommunication to WECA member contractors highlighting your company’s services

  • Subsequent newsletter articles highlighting your services, discounts, etc., (including the option to display discount coupons), may be run by request as often as once a quarter

  • ·      Co-sponsorship of seminars, webinars, and other professional development opportunities, presenting your expertise to our member contractors

  • Social Media announcements of our partnership and any relevant promotions over WECA’s Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In profiles

  • WECA will connect with/”like” you over our social media channels

  • WECA will also share/”like”/promote your company news/announcements when you release them over connected channels

  • WECA will write and send press releases with details of unique facets of our partnership to online industry publications as well as local traditional media outlets in our mutually shared geographical areas

  • Preferential opportunities for additional exposure through sponsorship of WECA events, such as apprenticeship graduations and official member events


Download an Industry Partner application packet or brochure.