Western Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.

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CA Dept. of Industrial Relations Issues FAQs & Guidance on COVID-19-Related Workers' Comp Claims

Thursday, May 21, 2020

California's Department of Industrial Relations has issued  Frequently Asked Questions to guide compliance with Gov. Newsom's Executive Order on a presumption for COVID-19 related workers' comp claims. 

This initial set of guidance contains 16 points of information but the Department may continue to update the list. Of key interest are questions Number 8 dealing with the use of paid sick leave for these COVID-19 related claims and Number 9 that clarifies the broad scope of the order.  

Cal/OSHA has also updated its guidance on Illness and Injury Prevention Plan (IIPP) and COVID-19 in the workplace. The revision is more expansive than the previous version of general statements and reminders, and it suggests that changes to your IIPP related to COVID-19 are necessary. You can read this article for more information.