Thursday, December 21, 2023
Journeypersons and Electrician Trainees: Learn a new skillset in the New Year with our 32 hour, self-paced "Perfect Solar Installations" course
This course is an acceptable elective towards the Electrician Trainee Program Certificate
Watch Bill Garr, WECA Lead Instructor for Electrician Trainee/Continuing Education Programs, walk you through a quick guide to crimping and assembling an MC4 connector, in this excerpt from the course:

Perfect Solar Installations
Recommended Prerequisites: This course is suitable for journeypersons and all electrician trainees with the prerequisite experience. Prerequisites include completion of Get Wired 101-102 or equivalent, basic experience with series and parallel connections, series and parallel basic calculations, proficiency with the NEC (National Electrical Code), and at least 6 months of on-the-job experience.
This self-paced course introduces the electrician trainee and journeyperson to the basics of electrical code compliance when installing solar photovoltaic systems. The course will explore Article 690 - Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems of the NEC using an exciting set of 360° images, photographs, illustrations, and diagrams. A 360-interactive installation simulation, a solar connector wiring lab, and application of the requirements of Article 690 are also included.
Total class hours available: 32
Tuition fee: $269
Click here to learn more about and enroll in Perfect Solar Installations!