Western Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.

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Thank You to the Generous Donors to the Western Electrical Contractors Education Foundation

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Especially 2019-20 Lab Donation Scoreboard Winner Rex Moore Group--for Making Our Comprehensive, State-of-the-Art Education Possible

Plus--Kicking Off the 2020-21 WECEF Lab Donation Scoreboard!

Rex Moore Group takes first place on our 2019-20 Lab Donation Scoreboard with donations totaling $14,675! Thank you, Rex Moore Group!
We could not do what we do here at WECA without the help of our dedicated members, industry partners, and donors. Thank you to the individuals and companies that help make WECA's state-of-the-art labs and comprehensive, hands-on education the best in the State of California. 

WECA extends a huge thank you in particular to:
  • Rex Moore Group, Inc. (2019-20 WECEF Lab Donation Scoreboard Winner!)
  • Western Tube and Conduit
  • Milwaukee Tools
"We are truly appreciative of the companies who have donated supplies and equipment to WECEF this year. It's been a trying time for everyone, so every contribution makes a world of difference," said Jimmie Slemp, WECA's lead instructor and lab facilities manager. "We look forward to using these donations once it is safe for us to get back in the classrooms and labs, and continue to educate the next generation of California's premier electricians."
Stay tuned for the launch of our 2020-21 scoreboard--we're as eager as you are to see who will take an early lead!