Western Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.

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Honoring Jim Neuffer of Neuffer Electric Upon His Retirement;Named Honorary WECA Member Contractor

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Western Electrical Contractors Association (WECA) would not be the premier merit shop electrical contractors’ association and trade school that it is today without its loyal members. Our members built WECA from the ground up and exemplified what it means to triumph in the face of adversity. Newly-designated Honorary Member Contractor Neuffer Electric—a member since 1946—is one such example.

Founded in Mount Shasta, California, in 1925, Neuffer Electric joined the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA)—the precursor to WECA—in 1946 as one of its first Member Contractors. Like many of our other Member Contractors, Neuffer Electric was a family business—started by a father and handed down to his son, who then handed it down to his son. That grandson, Jim Neuffer, joined the family business in 1977 and helmed it until his retirement earlier this year. Neuffer additionally served on the WECA Board of Directors from 1993 through 2004, and generously gave his time and steadfast support to WECA and its various committees over the years.

“Even though I have been involved with the company since 1977, it is really my father who should get all the recognition for all he did with respect to helping WECA break away from NECA”, said Neuffer. “Moreover, he is not the only one. That whole board helped establish the groundwork for what WECA would become today. I appreciate all the people that I served with on the board who would not quit and stayed on through all the years of lawsuits and built WECA into the asset it currently is for contractors. I was very honored to serve with these members and have tremendous respect for all of the work they have done.”

In honor of Jim’s recent retirement and his—and his family’s—untold contributions to an enduring legacy with WECA, WECA has converted Neuffer Electric’s membership to honorary status, ensuring that Neuffer Electric’s contributions and legacy will forevermore endure at WECA.

“We thank Jim for his long-term dedication and service to WECA,” said Greg Anderson, President of the WECA Board of Directors. “The organization has always been focused on attracting and retaining members of quality, as opposed to focusing on the quantity of our membership base, and Neuffer Electric has always stood as a prime example of that quality member. We wish Jim a long and enjoyable retirement…[and] the entire association thanks him for his membership, support, and involvement, and wishes him the best in his future.”