Western Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.

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Important Class Scheduling Update

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Winter Apprenticeship Classes for Our California Programs will be Delivered Online
Plus--Electrician Trainee and Journeyperson Continuing Education Classes Remain Fully Online

WECA plans to deliver our winter classes (late fall semester, and at least the first portion of the spring semester) California Apprenticeship classes fully online, using the same distance learning model on which we have been delivering Apprenticeship classes since March 2020. Details are as follows:

  • For now, Apprentices will attend their classes remotely, online, instructor-led, in real-time. Their class days and times will remain exactly the same as if they were attending in person.
  • WECA hopes and intends to return to in-person class experiences as soon as we are safely able to do so.
  • Apprentices will receive details for their upcoming class scheduling with at least 30 days of notice
  • Upcoming class information will appear on apprentices' website dashboards; online vs. onsite plans will be clearly communicated.
  • Apprentices whose classes are scheduled for online delivery will be notified of class login and other remote access instructions prior to the start date of class.
As previously announced, WECA's Electrician Trainee Certificate Program courses, including the GetWired! series, as well as all other E.T. or Journeyperson Continuing Education courses, are being delivered fully online, through at least March 31.

The situation around COVID-19 continues to evolve and WECA's Apprenticeship class delivery plans are subject to further modifications. Please follow WECA's communications closely, as we will do our best to quickly communicate any further changes to you. Thank you for your patience and solidarity as we all work together to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on our community. You can always access up-to-date information on WECA's COVID-19 Advisory Page.